Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Progressive Thugs: Attemping to Ban Beer (and Other Good Stuff) since 1920


"Mayor Paul Soglin says the issue is a test of Madison’s commitment to racial and social equality, writing in a blog post that he wants to ensure access to on-call transportation for “every individual in every neighborhood.”

If Uber and Lyft are allowed to defy or cherry-pick regulations, they’ll gain an unfair advantage over taxis that follow the rules, Soglin said, threatening the companies that do provide equal access."

My commentary:

If we're being direct here.....my assessment is that Major Soglin is a thug. He's wielding mob tactics. 

Historically, mobs always had 'legitimate' businesses that they ran. If you wanted to come into their section of the city and put up a new building, you could do so, as long as you used the mob's builder. If you were okay with paying a higher price, everything was good.

But try choosing another builder, and you could end up dead and so could the other builder. Concrete shoes, anyone?

That is tyranny, especially when the city government knew about it and looked the other way (and in the hay day of mobs, they often did, because officials were on the take).

Does my metaphor mean that I am calling Soglin a mobster who uses physical brutality? Absolutely not, there's no evidence of that in the least. But today people on his side of the argument are making an argument for soft tyranny.

Example of soft tyranny: Have a better idea for a service that disrupts the relationship between government and its 'chosen' businesses? That's fine. You can proceed, but we're just going to tax you into oblivion and make you do years of paperwork, just so you can make an attempt at operating legally here in the city of Madison. Have a nice day.

And if the above argument wins, the legal monopoly, and soft tyranny, continues on unthwarted.

The issue of Lyft and Uber has nothing to do with racial and social equality, and Soglin knows it. He is deliberately obfuscating. That's Saul Alinsky 101: when you have a losing argument, pull back. Don't allow the public an extended opportunity to see your logic fail when debating your opponent. Instead, end the honest and factual debate as quickly as possible. Pivot towards attacking the character and credibility of your opponent. Repeat.

That is what Soglin's quote sets the stage for - he is prepping the coming narrative by using the chosen buzzwords of the day. All to get the idiot lemmings to begin their emotional journey of assembling to go attack the racists and the rich with pitch forks in hand.

Instead of having a factual debate being about the necessity of regulations and potential cost savings to the customers while getting a better service, Soglin is transforming the argument to one of racial and social equality. Bullshit, I say.

Why bullshit?

1) Because the main thing (in the debate) is not kept as the main thing. He's way off point.
2) The obfuscation is ridiculous, because evidence of potential inequality (his argument) is nil
3) Feigned racism really pisses me off because it detracts attention from real cries of racism

Nevertheless, the battle lines are drawn now....if you're for Uber and Lyft, you must not be for racial/social equality, or you must not be sophisticated/educated enough to understand the core of the issue. Got it?

Make no mistake, this is about preserving the partnership that organized labor has with government. It is an attempt at legalizing monopolies.

Unions came into existence for good reasons. Laborers of the past worked hard to overcome various labor-oriented injustices. Fast forward to today: progressives are exploiting the power gained by the honest efforts of past laborers in order to preserve current monopolies. And they are doubling-down on traditional taxi services: an outdated, over-regulated, often under-performing, and expensive service.

All in order to preserve 1) kickback funding for Democratic/Progressive political candidates, and 2) to continue their long-standing rubber-stamp messaging, which states that the only way a service can help the people is when government gets their hands all over it.

Not only is this immoral, it slows true progress because they are trying to kill a more modern, better, and cheaper service that could truly help the common person. Very ironic that progressives are trying to hamstring progress in this way.

For this reason, I think it will backfire on Soglin and his progressive friends. People are smarter than the progressives understand (well, most people anyway. The Kool-aid drinkers will still go into the jungle and repeat the ramblings of their master.) I hope the people choose to fight. I think they will. It is only a matter of time.

The progressives don't realize how much We the People don't need or want them to regulate our lives. After all, progressives failed at maintaining prohibition, and, shockingly, at foreseeing the backlash they ultimately created when they decided it would be a good idea to ban beer. WTF, right?! Morons.

Final witty comment: 'We know better than you' type-arguments are condescending and really fuckin' suck. There is a wave of Libertarianism coming, and it will sweep the Nation. Free Minds and Free Markets (Reason's Motto) will reign once again. Wait for it....wait....there it is! BOOM!

Now go get it. BOOM again!

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