Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"...with Freedom and Justice for All"

"I don't want to go to Disneyland," she said.

I have no doubt that this little girl will grow up in a house where she is taught that this sort of thing is unacceptable. But how many other kids will think such treatment by a government towards its citizens is par for the course? What part of the 4th Amendment still exists? It's only about 50 words long. Read it.

Honestly, with such a clear protection in place in the Bill of Rights, how could we have let this happen? We need to wake up.

What recently happened to this family is bad, but to be honest I have heard of even more graphic incidents. Youtube search "TSA."

It's time for a national disobey the TSA day.

You know what is strange to think about? It had once been an ambition of mine to work a high-level government job that required the highest of high security clearances. I wanted to do this to play a part in keeping the country safe. The strange thing is, if I participated in a TSA revolt incident like the one described above and was arrested as a result, there is no chance I would ever be granted a super-secret squirrel security clearance.

Let's number this hypothetical scenario out:

1. Join USMC at age 17. Take oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Re-enlist at age 26 where oath is taken again.
2. At age 31 participate in civil disobediance against TSA to peacefully defend the 4th Amendment to the Constitution. Get arrested and charged with xyz.
3. Seek job with three letter agency to better apply practical experience and skills gained from almost four years spent in the middle east.
4. Get rejected from job because security clearance is denied, not because of the last speeding ticket I received over 10 years prior, but because of my defense of the Constitution.

The irony is that if given the hypothetical job, it would only be because I subjected myself to standard groping as my friends disobeyed the TSA. And if I accepted the job, I would have had another oath administered where I raised my hand and, again, swore to defend the Constitution. But would I have deserved it? This is a hairy eyeball, isn't it? Should the security apparatus of our Nation be put in this predicament? Shouldn't they just execute the law as it is written because they are simply policy enforcers not policy makers? Answers: no and yes, respectively.

But at some point, we, the sheepdogs, are morally required to reverse the answer to executing the law as it written (or the 'executive order' as is more often the case) because of the oath we took. This is not something to be taken lightly.  For the chain-of-command and overall societal order to remain in place, this type of limited-mutiny can only be pursued for the most dire of circumstances. I believe that is where we are now.

Welcome to 1984. Do you see the strain placed on our honorable government officials? They can either choose to fall in line, or they're done. They walk a fine line. The Collective places impossible demands on them - they can either follow their morals or keep their jobs. Many function brilliantly trying to do both, but it is getting harder and harder for them.

What about the ones who hold no moral objections to violations of Civil Rights? In terms of political bureaucrats, my gut tells me that this kind of person is in the majority right now in Washington. But what about our Nation's security apparatus? No, I think their majority still belongs to the aforementioned "moral" group.

For now. But they will resign and retire. What then? How soon will we have 26-year-olds applying for lethal positions with three-letter agencies and who, for their entire lives, saw the TSA's treatment of citizens as 'normal'?

As the baby-boom generation retires and others lose their willingness to conform to the demands of an increasingly oppressive government, who will replace them? We need to stop and think, "in ten years who will left at the helm?" What will be their character? How high will they hold their oath to defend the Constitution? Do you want to wait to find out?

Back to national disobey the TSA day. They will have to react. They will have to decide whether to bring in hundreds of paddy-wagons to haul off thousands of peaceful people with no previous criminal record. They will be forced into the open and we will discover how far they are willing to go. The USA will have its Tiananmen Square moment.

We know our character. We must force the issue to discover theirs.