Saturday, September 24, 2011


If big brother performs its necessary functions, but steps out of the way for everything else, Americans will rise to the occasion. No doubt about it. And that is hope - of the type that is real.

May we one day be led by a real man or woman, and not a series of differing, yet consistently empty, suits.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Never forget.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This Sunday will be the 10-year anniversary of the worst terrorist attack to take place on American soil, and New York has planned a memorial event to remember those 2,977 victims. That's two thousand, nine hundred and seventy seven lives.

And one of our esteemed political leaders stooped to a new low. Hard to believe, I know. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decided not to invite any first responders to the 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero on Sunday. The reason?

There is not enough room to accommodate because too many victims' family members are attending. There aren't enough seats for firefighters.

The firefighters should not allow Bloomberg to attend. He didn't run towards the towers right before they crumbled to the ground. Three hundred and forty-three firefighters, 37 Port Authority police officers, 23 NYPD officers and 3 court officers died at the World Trade Center.

I will not watch the memorial service. I don't want to see how many politicians will be sitting in the front row, somber expressions and shiny shoes; you know, those seats that the firefighters and police officers could not have. I would like to, however, propose a few options for a memorial.

Let the military loose to kill every SOB that is part of a terrorist organization, and then bring our guys home. Require that every public school student recite the Pledge of Allegiance (in its entirety) and listen to our national anthem at the start of each school day. Require every politician, including the President, place his hand on his heart when the national anthem is played. Profile passengers who are more likely than my grandmother to commit a terrorist attack on a plane (this shouldn't be hard, they've all looked the same). Don't be afraid to say they've all looked the same.

Hang the American flag outside of every government building and private business. Pay first responders and military service men and women more than congress, bureaucrats and union representatives. And give them the Ferrari health care plan. Condemn politicians who use the term "terrorist" to describe American citizens. Call a terrorist a terrorist. Demand that the proposal to build a mosque anywhere near Ground Zero not get any traction.

Don't vote for any candidate who associates himself with a radical who only wishes more lives were lost on 9/11. Don't vote for any candidate who thinks 9/11 was an inside job. Run for office yourself. Put a freakin' fence on the border.

That is a memorial I support. That is how you remember the 2,977 who died on September 11, 2001.

Michael Burke wrote his opinion about Bloomberg's decision in today's Wall Street Journal. Michael's brother, an FDNY firefighter, died when the North Tower collapsed. Read his response here.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Shelby Steele wrote an op ed for the Wall Street Journal that is one of the best I've ever read. I encourage you to take a few minutes and read about American Exceptionalism.