Monday, September 14, 2009

Do Your Homework

Van Jones stepped down as the “green jobs” czar last week. Great, he should leave. Jones is a radical liberal and self-professed communist who was exposed largely because of independent thinkers with a microphone. With Jones out, it’s time the other czars indisputably chosen for such prominent positions by Obama and his administration are exposed for their worldviews. Expose their character and their beliefs, and if needed, take action once again to protect the interests of Americans.

Don’t wait for someone else to look into these czars. Do your homework. My choice for the next target: Cass Sunstein. On September 9th, the same day as President Obama’s speech to congress on health care, Harry Reid (D-NV) pushed for cloture (a method used to close a debate and cause an immediate vote) for the confirmation of Sunstein as the “regulatory czar.” Conveniently, while the media and much of the informed public focused on Obama’s Trojan horse, the senate rushed into voting on a man they probably know little about. How can I be so sure they don’t know who he is? Because this is Cass Sunstein:

- In a speech at Harvard University in 2007, Sunstein expressed his animal rights views. He stated that hunting should be banned, and that subjecting animals to such unjustified suffering is akin to slavery and the mass extermination of human beings.
- He believes the Second Amendment does not protect and individual’s rights to bear arms.
- He believes that animals should have the right to bring suit against human beings, with a human as its attorney, because animals are not property to own. (No, I’m not making that up.)
- He does believe, however, that animals should have the right to own property.
- In his 2001 book, “,” he argued that the Internet weakens democracy because it allows citizens to isolate themselves within groups of like-minded individuals, thus cutting themselves off from information that challenges their beliefs, also known as “cyberbalkanization.” Further, he said that the internet must be regulated for “democratic principles.”
- He believes we should have a second bill of rights because no one really opposes government intervention. This “second bill” would advocate citizens’ rights to an education, a home, health care, and a right to protection against monopolies because the Constitutional framers didn’t give thought to social and economic guarantees in the Bill of Rights.
- In his 2004 book “The Second Bill of Rights,” he stated that citizens’ rights exist only to the extent that the government grants them.
- He is a believer in the concept of “libertarian paternalism,” which promotes the concept that regulators will gently “nudge” citizens into making choices they (the regulators) deem are appropriate, thus rewarding citizens for those appropriate choices (a theory he wrote about in his 2007 booked called “Nudge”).

This is America’s regulatory czar; the head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Every piece of major regulation will sit on his desk until he takes a red pen to it. The internet, television and radio will be well within his realm of jurisdiction. This former Harvard Law Professor will be in the back pocket of radical groups such at PETA who salivate with the idea that animals are equal citizens with you and I.

Hours before Obama’s health care speech, Sunstein was overwhelmingly confirmed by the Senate in a 63-35 vote. Numerous republicans and all but three democrats voted yes. Our senators voted for a man who has so perverted the original intent of our founding documents and has every intention of influencing society to an extent that could become principally unrecognizable.

Richard Epstein, a liberal law professor at University of Chicago and co-editor with Sunstein of a book about the 2000 elections, supported his confirmation “notwithstanding the many substantive disagreements between us.” Glenn Reynolds, the libertarian blogger and law professor remarked that Sunstein’s confirmation “shows that the Obama administration is perhaps willing to look at new and less intrusive approaches to regulation … there are a lot of people worthy of more concern than Sunstein. If I were advising Republicans, I’d tell them to focus their attention elsewhere.” Too many of the Republican Senators did just that.

Place a frog in boiling water and it will jump out, but start with luke warm water, raise the temperature slowly, and eventually you’ll have frog legs for dinner. This simple concept is what too many extremists within our government understand and are implementing, and what too few conservatives fail to recognize.

It is time for the principles and morality that has served this country (and the world) well for over 200 years to make a quick comeback. The temperature is rising. Jump out of the pot… and fight.


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