40+ years of failed progressive policies have led to this.
No amount of additional money will fix inner-city schools that have fallen into
the type of chaos depicted in the video. Make no mistake, the video is not an
isolated incident - it is not merely anecdotal evidence.
No amount of anything, save for discipline and force, will rescue
schools from this type of student behavior. Continuing to pour more money into
educational budgets or social welfare programs will not fix the educational
problem in our inner cities.
That is because it is not an educational problem.
This is reality: we have a morality problem. We have a breakdown of the family problem. And we have a lack of black fathers in the inner cities problem. Anyone who doesn’t understand that is in some state of mental delusion via blind allegiance to party politics.
That is because it is not an educational problem.
This is reality: we have a morality problem. We have a breakdown of the family problem. And we have a lack of black fathers in the inner cities problem. Anyone who doesn’t understand that is in some state of mental delusion via blind allegiance to party politics.
Perhaps the saddest part is that the inner-city students who are bright enough
and well-behaved enough to succeed in society (and there are plenty of them) are currently being robbed of
opportunity by students who are disgustingly unruly and threatening in the
classroom. And the progressives are letting it happen.
By encouraging policies that allow misbehaved students remain in the classroom and by largely refraining from taking out serious punishments against minority students in order to avoid publishing disproportionate disciplinary statistics, discipline in the classroom has reached epidemic levels. The progressive god of education apparently wears no blindfold when it comes to addressing injustice. So the theory goes, immediate action for disruptive and threatening behavior first must take into account an individual's melanin levels – only then can the appropriate punishment be dealt out. But justice for the bright, well-behaved black student – they don’t get any. They’re threatened by the same thugs that threaten teachers – they get called ‘white’ when they attempt to learn and prosper in schools.
By encouraging policies that allow misbehaved students remain in the classroom and by largely refraining from taking out serious punishments against minority students in order to avoid publishing disproportionate disciplinary statistics, discipline in the classroom has reached epidemic levels. The progressive god of education apparently wears no blindfold when it comes to addressing injustice. So the theory goes, immediate action for disruptive and threatening behavior first must take into account an individual's melanin levels – only then can the appropriate punishment be dealt out. But justice for the bright, well-behaved black student – they don’t get any. They’re threatened by the same thugs that threaten teachers – they get called ‘white’ when they attempt to learn and prosper in schools.
Besides spending more money and adding to the Nation's $20 trillion debt
(that's $20,000,000,000,000), the progressive narrative is always to blame
white privilege as though it explains the failure rate of young inner-city
minorities. Progressives have always and will always continue to perpetuate the
notion that young minorities are victims and therefore their rage
against society is justified. It is how they've won for elections for 40+ years, and why in
most major urban areas in the U.S. there is never an alternative to Democratic
Party candidates for political office.
And so, because their future political power rests on continuing to
deliberately obfuscate a clear definition of what is right and what is wrong,
progressives are incapable of solving the problems which currently plague
inner-city schools. I think progressives are more hierarchical in organization than
people realize. The followers of progressive ideology do not deviate much (if
any) from the marching orders they receive from party leadership. And the
leadership doesn't want to solve the problems of inner cities, because their
re-election depends upon a climate of racial divisiveness and bad outcomes. And somehow bad outcomes are continually blamed on Republicans, even though the bad outcomes come from areas for which the progressives have been in control for 40+ years.
For progressives, it's all about keeping a compass heading of 'max class and race warfare' and a throttle setting of 'max hatred and envy.'
For progressives, it's all about keeping a compass heading of 'max class and race warfare' and a throttle setting of 'max hatred and envy.'
I think we have reached a point where we are basically out of time and
options to successfully address the divisive problems which currently plague
our inner-cities. Any remaining hope can only be found by being honest and frank about the realities we face. Part of that is articulating, with high amounts of detail, how progressives are destroying the potential of minority populations of great character.