Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Waste of Time We Don't Have

Well no shit is a waste of time trying to see things through the Republican or Democratic lens. While we may be divided as a Nation, it is now popular to believe that we are not polarized into merely two groups. The Independents are on the rise, they say.

What if it was way more complicated than that? Are we really to believe that everything is now explained because we've been categorized into three political groups, not just two? What if people actually understood that to truly hold a belief in matters such as these requires a maturity of verbal capacity to articulate the meaning of the word Liberty? Or better yet, to define Liberal? Or to define both of these things at length as they relate to society, personal choice, and individuality?

What if by the time they were 18 years old society actually expected men and women do just that and also to live a prosperous, self-sufficient and self-regulated life with no assistance from anyone? Was there ever a time when The People knew who the true leaders of their community were, a time when they had a keener nose for the stench of a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

I've listed a few characteristics of some groups below. Are the groups that I've identified political in nature? If so, why? The percentages I've listed belonging to each group are intended to mock the so-called accurate poll numbers you see daily on TV telling you to go along with whatever everyone else is thinking. Personally I think some people fit into one group only, others two or three. Some vary in what group(s) they belong to depending on the day or what TV program they recently watched or book they read.

I think there was a time in America when people were not so easily swayed on a day to day basis.

30.1% of America (94,815,000 people) honestly believe the best way to foster a charitable aspect in society is to encourage low taxes, high morality and personal responsibility. They honestly care for people and want the needy to be helped. They are more apt to give to smaller LOCAL charities and organizations, by personal CHOICE. THEY DECIDE HOW, WHAT, AND WHEN TO GIVE.

30.1% of America (94,815,000 people) honestly believe the best way to foster a charitable aspect in society is to mandate it. They honestly care for people and want the needy to be helped. They are REQUIRED BY LAW to give to the Federal government. THEIR CHOICE IS NOT TO DECIDE HOW, WHAT, AND WHEN TO GIVE, but to elect officials who will decide those things for them.

19.875% of America (62,606,250 people) are totally apathetic. They are uninteresting, predictable people who use the words amazing and crazy to describe 99% of their day’s events. They usually care most about how often their facebook is posted by friends, which team will get the Wildcard, or what the fall colors are. These people do however have the right to vote and are easily marketed towards. They vote for the candidate with the most attractive packaging or "brand".

19.875% of America (62,606,250 people) could give a shit about charity so long as they are on the receiving end of it. Large and/or national run charities (including social government programs) are their favorite so they can deceive the system or collect as much as possible from several different programs (many of which are redundant). They will take every payout they can get. Many different groups of people fall into this category, including a limited crossover proportion from the above mentioned "apathetic" group.

.05% of America (157,500 people) are doing everything they can to consolidate power away from the local charities and institutions, and seek to make people dependent on them. They want a big following – BIG numbers. They intend to get big numbers by legislating mandatory participation by the populace, that way lack of participating is a crime punishable by fines or jail. Very truly they want to make a lot of money in the process; when you produce a product that the public has to by, the risk is taken out of it. They want to make all your choices for you, and they are desperately trying to remove all of your ways and means to do or say anything to the contrary.

I ask you, what is the role of elected officials? Is it to manage the daily necessities of public business, or to manage charity?

What type of organization is more easily held to standard, small or large?

If someone asked you if you wanted more or less say in your life choices on a day to day basis, if you answered "more say" does that make you a Liberal or a Conservative?

Does "more say" on a day to day basis equate to you having more liberty to make your own choices? What does liberty mean?

Does liberal mean more or less? (ex. "Please give me a liberal helping of sweet potatoes.")

If liberal means more, more of what? More liberty? Is the root Latin word of liberty and liberal the same? Copy and paste this into Word and right click for synonyms.

Would you be surprised then to know that the motto of the Green Berets is "De Oppresso Liber", which is Latin for "To Free the Oppressed."

Every time I put liber in bold does it piss you off because I am dumbing it down for you too much? Does it also piss you off when the government wants you to simply choose for them to manage your charity instead of you making more complicated charity decisions for yourself on a day to day basis?

If they DID NOT manage your charity, by default wouldn’t you get to keep more of your own money by managing it yourself? Would you do a better job than they at choosing charities that actually make a difference and waste not?

Does having more choice in your financial affairs make you more or less free? Is money evil when a local charity receives a lot of it from their local community? Is it good then? Would it be fair to say that in that circumstance, money would actually be the root of all good?

So again, are you a liberal or conservative? Does it even fucking matter? Or does it matter more that you understand that what people call themselves doesn’t fucking matter, it’s the extent to which they desire to control you or let themselves be controlled by people who say they are not about controlling people.

So-called liberals have a reputation for demanding more forms of personal expression through diverse music selections, fashion options, or a healthly amount of promiscuity, and there is some truth to that, I believe, by watching the way they live their lives. None of that stuff is inherently bad. They like small, unique things. Why then do they vote for massive, non-customizable government that limits personal choice to participate in certain things? Is it simply because the masters of (D)esception have associated with the word Liberal with their mantra, and people take them at their word for it instead of really looking into details of the issues?

How fucking sorry is that? That we live such a fast-paced life that apparently people hear one word and therefore flock in that direction?

Have you understood by now that the word Liberal has been hijacked? Do you understand that what so-called liberals intend to do with the number of your choices is in fact the opposite of what it says when you right click the word Liberty in a Word document?

Does it matter more that you are a minority in the world; that Americans throughout our history have been minorities in a world full of oppression? Does it matter even more that you have an in-depth understanding your minority status, and most that you know what to do in order to preserve it?

When you can understand that we have been minorities because of our freedom and the richness and advancement that freedom, a synonym of Liberty, has created in our society, you can actually call yourself a Citizen. And it’s not because I said so, it’s because that is what was expected of you by our Founders.

Among The People, is that understanding more or less deep than it used to be? In recent years, is that understanding beginning to change, and which way is it changing?

How do you see it, and where do you fit in?